Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A New Year's Glimpse for 2013

Welcome back Berean Pioneers!  

We’re excited about what God has in store for our Trailblazers (5-7th graders) in this new year of 2013!  Here’s a quick glimpse at what’s coming up.  Exact dates and times will follow for activities such as our hike and cooking outdoors activities.

1.     January Bible Badge:  Meeting Jesus – Activity Badge:  First Aid
2.     February Bible Badge:  Being Me – Activity Badge:  Woodworking
3.     March Bible Badge:  My Family – Activity Badge:  Broadcasting
4.     April Bible Badge:  Bible Explorer – Activity Badge:  Team Sports
5.     May Bible Badge:  Living Today – Activity Badge:  Cycling
6.     June:  Cooking Outdoors & Hiking Part 2 Activity Award - End of the Year Award Party

For our woodworking award, we will be making Pine Car Derby cars for a special Pine Car Derby race - date to be announced. (End of February or beginning of March)

Here’s our Trailblazers Bible Memory Verses for the month to review at home:

The first verse is John 10:10.  Jesus tells us that He is God when he says:  “I and my Father are one.”  It means more than “close”.  It is essentially by nature ONE.

The second verse is John 3:16.  It’s God’s invitation showing us the only way to be saved from our sins and have a home in Heaven.  “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

Parents, you can support what your Trailblazer is learning this month in our Meeting Jesus Bible Award Unit by:

1.     Ask what your Trailblazer is learning in club about who Jesus is
2.     Share something about your faith in Jesus
3.     Imagine together what feelings and needs Jesus might have had when he was a kid.  Talk about how Jesus can understand everything your Trailblazer is going through
4.     Pray for a request of your Trailblazer’s and let him or her pray for a request of your own.

Your Trailblazer leaders,  Mr. Jim Skitt and Mrs. Sue Skitt & Mrs. Linda Haggerty

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