Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Calling All Trailblazers

Dear Trailblazers and Trailblazer parents,

Welcome to Pioneer Clubs at Berean Bible Church!  We are so excited that you are going to be part of Pioneers this year.  Trailblazers is a fantastic two year Pioneer program created for kids your age where you will have fun learning about God while earning awards.  You will earn 7 Bible Awards during the year from September through May and have the opportunity to earn up to 18 Activity Awards in 5 different categories!  Below is a list of what you can expect.  Check out your handbook for more details about Pioneers and come back and visit our Pioneer Blog to see club pictures and updates!

2012-2103 Trailblazer Year:  Exploring New Trails

Bible Awards:  My Church, Friendship, Meeting Jesus, Being Me, My Family, Bible Explorer, Living Today

Activity Awards:  Arts & Communication:  Artist, Broadcasting; Music; Myself, My Family and Others:  First Aid, Friends, Missions, Social Skills; Hobbies & Projects:  Candlemaking, Creative Gifts, Woodworking; Outdoors and Nature: Cooking Outdoors, Environment, Hiking, Orienteering; Sports & Games:  Cycling, Make & Play Games, Team Sports

2013-2014 Trailblazer Year:  Exploring The Way

Bible Awards:  Exploring God’s Word, Understanding Others, Accepting God’s Love, All About Me, Family Living, Discovering Creation, Important Choices

Activity Awards:  Arts & Communication:  Drama, Signing, Videography; Myself, My Family & Others:  Cooking, Family Fun, Looking Good, Money Management, Self-Defense; Hobbies & Projects:  Computers, Crafts, Experiments, Sewcraft, Toymaker; Outdoors & Nature:  Campcraft, Camping, Nature; Sports & Games:  Bowling, Games, Individual Sports

We hope you are as excited about Trailblazers as we are!  We are praying for you and look forward to an awesome time together in Pioneers learning how to follow Jesus Christ in every aspect of life!

In His Service,
Mr. & Mrs. Skitt
Trailblazer Leaders

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Welcome to Berean's Pioneer Blog! We hope you enjoy our site and pray you will discover just how much God loves you!