Saturday, September 14, 2013

Pioneers Begins Again!

Exciting News!  After summer break, our Pioneer Clubs are beginning again.  We had a great first year last year and look forward to a new season with our Scooters, Voyagers, Pathfinders and Trailblazers. 

We'll open our 2013-2014 Pioneer Club year with a combined groups Patriot Party on Wednesday, September 25th at 7:15pm.  We'll celebrate America's motto, In God We Trust, with a red, white, and blue theme of snacks, craft, game and Bible lesson.  

Come out and register for Pioneers on our opening night and join the fun.  Registration for the year is $20 and it covers your Pioneer handbook (handbooks include Bible units and Activity units) and all award badges.  

The best thing of all is through Pioneer Clubs kids will have fun learning how to make Jesus Christ Lord in every aspect of their lives!   Praying that we'll see YOU at Berean Bible Church Pioneers this year!